Social Media Statement
We think that social media is an amazing way to extend communication with our clients. It’s great to get your feedback – constructive and complimentary!
As client confidentiality is crucial, we prefer to discuss any specific questions out of the public arena by private message, phone or email.
We expect all our followers to maintain respectful civility by using appropriate language at all times on our all social media accounts.
We take no responsibility for comments left on our page, or for any interactions between followers on or off our Facebook page or Twitter feed.
We will delete any comments that we deem likely to cause offence, without warning and without making any subsequent contact with that individual. This includes, but is not limited to, language that is: sexist, racist, homophobic, religiously bigoted, ageist, transphobic, promotes political or religious extremism, swearing, or otherwise contravenes our overriding philosophy of fairness.
Trolls will be blocked.
We will automatically delete any adverts for goods or services posted on our timelines.
Please advise us of any inappropriate posts by email [email protected], if you should see them before us.