Cabin Crew Uniform Tax Refund Guide

Cleaning your uniform is a major, regular outlay if you’re a cabin crew member and most staff don’t realise that they have a right to tax relief on this expense.

Your first claim will include your previous four taxpaying years. This Uniform Tax Rebate is then embedded into your tax code so that you pay less tax from then on.

Our Cabin Crew Tax Rebate Guide provides you with all the necessary information about your tax relief entitlement and the process for recovering your money from HMRC.

What can cabin crew claim a tax rebate for?

From the 6th April 2013 you can claim an amount of £720 per tax year. Prior to that date, the amount is dependent on the airline you worked for. The amount allowed is mainly to cover the cost of washing of uniform and some other industry specific expenses.

If you haven’t made a claim for the past four years, you could be due a significant sum, depending on the highest rate of tax you pay.

Cabin crew can claim for some other work related costs that include:

  • Visas ( entry and transit ) if you have to enter other countries because of your job
  • BALPA membership if you are a pilot
  • Vaccinations for entering other countries because of your job
  • Duplicate passport cost

Does it matter who I work for?

UNITE, Cabin Crew union has agreed a tax code allowance for cabin crew with Easyjet, British Airways, Virgin, Thomas Cook, Flybe, Thomson and Monarch.

Do I need receipts to make a cabin crew tax rebate claim?

To claim the allowance, receipts are not needed. It is an industry approved figure agreed by UNITE with the tax office meaning receipts do not have to be provided. If you are claiming the cost of something in addition, a receipt will have to be available.

Can other flight crew make a claim?

The good news is that flight deck crew, pilots and co-pilots who work for an airline or have in the last four tax years can claim a tax rebate.

HMRC has agreed an allowance which applies to all commercial pilots, co-pilots, and flight deck crew of:

  • £850 per tax year for uniform cleaning costs
  • Two thirds of your annual subscription if you’re a member of the British Airline Pilots Association ( BALPA )

Our income tax guides can let you know what else you may be entitled to.

How do I claim a cabin crew tax refund?

To make your cabin crew tax rebate claim you will normally need to complete a P87 form online and submit it to HMRC. If you complete a self assessment tax return you should include the cabin crew flat rate expenses in the employment section of your tax return.

Cabin crew tax code

When HMRC (tax office) processes your claim you will automatically be given a new tax code which will be used by your employer. This will mean that you will start paying less tax moving forward because your tax code will be higher.

It also means you don’t need to make another claim for the cabin crew flat rate expense in the future unless your circumstances change.

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